You wear a swimsuit or bikini (without bracket) in the Cryosense. It may be nice to bring a bathrobe or towel.
There is a dressing room where you can dress to. Make sure you are fully dry. Then walk to the Cryosense. The well-trained Cryo Assistant guides you continuously. First measured your blood pressure. Then go to the "Whole Body Cryotherapy" in the Cryosense. The session lasts up to 3 minutes. The Cryo Assistant stays with you and the session can be stopped at any time. You will get wet, so you can get dressed immediately. It is pleasant to properly warm up after the session, for that we have among others a trampoline. Then you're fully charged and energized for the rest of the day.
The session is fast and comfortable. Of course it's cold, but it does not feel as -180 degrees because the "dry cold" is. It is similar to cycling on an embankment with headwinds at -5 degrees.
After about two minutes, you can start to feel pins and needles. It is a pleasant experience.
The sessions take up to 3 minutes. After 2 minutes you post all results.
Whole Body Cryotherapy is not suitable for everyone.
We recommend the use of Whole Body Cryotherapy urgently set in the following cases:
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